Lize-Marie Maritz
My family and I are currently staying at Omeya Golf and Residential Estate, 30km away from Windhoek. It is an absolute pleasure to be able to enjoy nature with its peaceful surroundings. In the past 6 years we moved between Windhoek and the coast and back to Windhoek again, not to mention several moves between different houses. During this season I realized that being a Christian requires more than just finding a suitable congregation, the perfect school (with Biblical values) for our kids, new friends that find value in the same things in life, and reading your Bible to survive.
Looking back I believe it was when my mom passed away that I not only lost a mother but also my spiritual mentor, my marriage advisor, my best friend, and my boys' grandma and I felt completely lost. Everything around me became dark. On the outside I was wearing my make-up mask and tried to pretend, but in my heart I was angry and bitter towards the LORD. It was in my anger rage that I called out to Him, and He allowed me to empty myself before Him…and then He started giving me paintings. These paintings are healing me and they will hopefully also speak to others whose hearts are broken and tormented.
Although I was a Christian for all of my life I only really met Jesus as my first love and the Lover of my soul, 4 years ago. On this journey Abba is continuously restoring my identity in Him, and I am starting to learn to lay with my ear upon His heart.
At the end of 2015 Abba laid upon my heart to do a layer upon layer painting of the BRIDE of CHRIST called IN HIS IMAGE. One of the first things that He was speaking to me about was “my Bride is transparent, to allow My Glory to be transferred.” While I painted the rose petals as per His instructions, His presence was so intense that I struggled to stand. His glory fell and I was so overwhelmed that all I could do was fall to my knees and cry before Him. "HE is the ROSE OF SHARON, and it is His rose oil that is dripping from the very essence of His Being that is giving the BRIDE the infilling of oil that she needs to continuously keep on burning in the seasons that are coming.” We must seek Him and meet Him daily in His rose garden of intimacy for the infilling of His glory - He is longing for us to meet Him there.
Ever since I met Michelle, and she started to share with me about the BE YOU Skincare oils I was reminded of that day. It is so very clear to me that Father has a very special message (language) that He is speaking to us…. and although I am learning that we have to seek Him to be able to find Him, I also want to encourage everyone to call out to Your Maker, to ask Him what the true image is that you where created to reflected. Some days its easy, some days it is hard….but it is in these days that the fragrance and the radiance of the BE YOU oils is like a reminder of the infilling of His very presence that I need, to lead me to a life of transparency so that His glory may be revealed through me.
Gudrun Behrens
Over the years I always took good care of my skin and had a very uncomplicated beauty regime. Cleaning my face before going to bed has always been without question one of the most important rituals at night time.
Over the years I tried even the most expensive products. In the end the most satisfying ranges were Jurlique, then later Dr Hauschka and I ended up with Esse. During the last few years and after my pregnancy my skin showed quite a few blemishes on the temples which didn't clear up.
Per chance I read Michelle's tip about the oil cleaning ritual in the shower for taking off dirt and makeup. Shortly afterwards I started using Be You's facial oil. And within about a week my skin started to look and feel better and started to glow and look much healthier. I base this wonderful change on the Be You facial oil. It is extremely pleasant-smelling, feels luxurious and wholesome, is free of all chemicals and nasty by-products plus it simplifies my beauty regime even more.
Thank you, dear Michelle, for pushing my nose into this wonderful new cleansing ritual and making me look and feel much healthier.
Marilie van Schalkwyk
I am a young creative, entrepreneur that dreams of inspiring and empowering others. I am the owner of Viver Fragrancia Make-Up Consultants and the Sole Distributor for Make-Up Designory Cosmetics in Namibia. I am very close to my loving family and still live at home, we have two quirky labs called Mieka and Bruno. I am very fortunate to have a loving and supporting boyfriend who shares the same values and beliefs I do.
I am a very honest person and I will answer this as honest as it gets. My relationship with God has gone up, down and all around. As of late I can really see His hand everywhere I go and in everything I do and for the first time I can actually feel that He’s really using me to accomplish something that I never could. He is the best business partner that I could ever imagine and I love Him.
What is the biggest revelation you have received in your life so far
Just be. Forget about all the rules, conditions and expectations, be who you are. Truly, just be and God will use that. We are in a time where we should live God, not just speak and preach about Him.
Love. It’s not Bible verses that will win peoples’ hearts, it’s love. We were made to show and give love and that might be the hardest lesson we have to learn.
What is your God-given purpose
My purpose might change but for now, I believe I am called to empower, inspire and love other women so that they too can believe in themselves. Women play a very important role in a household and in society and if we miss our role, we lose our purpose. My purpose will change when I become a wife and it will change again when I become a mother. It’s a journey.
What gifts/talents did you receive to live out this purpose
I am creative, compassionate and I love teaching and helping others. I also enjoy various aspects of business and this enables me to communicate in another way.
What is success
To be successful is to be happy. You’ll always have new goals and dreams but your success cannot be measured by what you have accomplished otherwise you’ll never be successful or satisfied
What is the biggest lesson you have learnt so far
Nothing is going to change, if you don’t change it. If you want something, work. If people laugh at you, work harder and never underestimate yourself.
What is the biggest challenge to being yourself
I’m very different. I think I’m quite odd for my age but that makes me unique and I had to learn that it’s okay. It’s okay to be a rebel for the right reasons and to challenge someone’s entire being.
How do you use the Be You oils and what difference have they made to you
I use it as a face wash every morning an night, as a hair mask and as a moisturizing cream and it’s amazing. I was recently diagnosed with Ebstein Barr, Endometriosis and Leaky Gut Syndrome. When I use my Be You oils I anoint my body and I have really felt a difference. It’s been a blessing.
Vi-Nisha Lizelle Cloete
I am a single parent who is very hard-working and very determined to achieve my goals. I have a small family with one son who is 14 years old. Both of my parents are still with me, and I am grateful for being able to spoil them with little things whenever an opportunity arises. I enjoy all kinds of farm activities such as horse riding and I have a passion for working with toddlers.
I am extremely grateful for everything that my Heavenly Father has provided me with and everything He does for me because I believe there is absolutely nothing we can achieve without His help and support.
My hope is that I will fulfil the plans and purposes that God has prepared for me and that I can use the gifts and talents that He has blessed me with to serve and honour Him in everything I do. I believe my purpose is to love the people that are sent on my path and to help where I can, every day of my life.
What is love
Love to me means being able to love unconditionally and to forgive and to forget.
What is success
It means to achieve everything spiritually first and then as a result one will succeed materially.
What is your message to the world
Avoid doing things to others that you would not want to have done to yourself. Rather do unto others as you would want others to do unto you.
What is the greatest lesson you have learnt so far
Not to hold onto anything that anyone has ever done to you - rather forgive them and let it go.
What is your biggest challenge to being YOU
Being able to share a smile with everyone despite how others treat me or what my circumstances look like.
What have the Be You Skincare oils meant for you
It is the most incredible oil. You can bath with it, you can use it as a moisturiser and it really improves the condition of your skin - my skin became softer and more beautiful. I even used it on my hair and it caused my hair to grow much faster and made it extremely soft. I also like the fact that my skin was smoother without being oily.
Christine van Zyl
I'm a single mom and my son turns 5 in August 2017. My relationship with the Heavenly Father is a work in progress. Sometimes the time spent in the wilderness feels like forever, but God never fails to show His Grace. At the moment I'm trying to get back to a place where I consciously spend time with The Holy Spirit. For me it's not a moment-to-moment thing.
What is the biggest revelation you have received in your life so far
Who God is. Who I am in Christ. And how we must trust more and preach less.
What is your God-given purpose
A very good friend once told me how she realised her God-given purpose. And that made me think about mine. I guess it's to carry His presence and release it as He instructs.
What gifts/talents did you receive to live out this purpose
I'm very sensitive to what happens around me. In spirit, body, mind and soul. It's a silent prayer house kind of thing. I'm not built to preach. More to pray. And therefore I need to be sensitive enough to sense when I need to pray.
What is love
It's valuing someone enough not to give up on them. The way God has taught me.
What is success
Using your talents to prosper and be happy with life. It's a balance really. Having that balance is success.
What is your message to the world
Don't judge. And be humble in order to learn and grow.
What is the biggest lesson you have learnt so far
Not to judge.
What is the biggest challenge to being yourself
Acceptance of who I am. Knowing that I am more than enough no matter what people think or say.
How do you use the Be You oils and what difference have they made to you
I use it to cleanse, tone and moisturise my face. It's amazing how gentle it is. My skin feels refreshed and doesn't feel oily at all! I also use it as a massage oil. It really is a lovely gift from Above!
Janine van der Merwe
I am married to a wonderful man of God and we have 2 boys Cody 16 and Josh 13. My life is filled with blessings and I am in awe every day of how gentle and gracefully God has worked with me all these years and how my journey towards a deeper relationship with HIM has shaped and formed the person I am today.
When I met my husband I was not an agnostic and although I was always searching for something, I was never aware that it was God that was the missing puzzle in my life. I have always struggled with a low self esteem and never really saw how anyone could love me. I lost my dad when I was 29 years old and this is when my real path towards a deeper relationship with God took a life of its own. He showed me that he was not only God, but my Dad and I could lean on Him for everything. Jesus has become my best friend who I turn to for everything and he is continuously blessing me with more love and grace every day.
I am still on my journey to being me and accepting myself for who I am, but every day and after every encounter with God and with every wonderful experience with women who surround me, I feel that I am becoming more comfortable with myself and accepting the person who is reflected back at me when i look in the mirror. I have searched for my purpose and HE has clearly shown me that it is my purpose to shine His light every day in every way and in every relationship I have which is what I am focusing on now in my life.
Michelle introduced me to the Be You oil product when she first started experimenting with it. I have very dry skin so I had to moisturize my skin sometimes 3 x a day. I started using the oil all over my body and my face and since then I moisturize only once a day. I feel that there is a special anointing to the oils which is so much bigger than just using a beauty product!
One of my favorite sayings is "Be yourself - everyone else is already taken…."